
¿Mito o realidad? Cinco mitos sobre el aceite de motor

Cuando se trata del mantenimiento de su coche, utilizar el aceite de motor adecuado es de suma importancia. Si eres un apasionado de la gasolina, sabrás que un aceite de motor de alta calidad puede prolongar la vida útil del motor y maximizar su rendimiento. Pero cuando buscas en Internet los mejores consejos para elegir y mantener el aceite de motor de tu coche, puedes encontrar mucha información contradictoria. ¿Cómo saber qué es verdad y qué es un mito? Si sigues consejos que resultan ser falsos, podrías arruinar tu motor y acabar con un montón de gastos innecesarios. En este blog abordaremos los 5 mitos más comunes sobre el aceite de motor para que sepas qué es verdad y qué es ficción.

Myth 1: Never switch oil brands

There is a common misunderstanding that when you switch oil brands, the oil consumption and pressure will change. But this is not necessarily true as it is based on multiple variable factors, namely the condition of the oil filter, oil contamination levels, wrong oil pressure, and others. However, it is important to choose the oil grade which meets the specifications which are required by the car manufacturer to avoid damage to the engine.


Myth 2: Once you start using synthetic engine oil you cannot use mineral anymore

Some people think that if you start using synthetic engine oil in your engine, you cannot go back to using mineral oils as they fear it might damage their engine. But this is not something you should be afraid of because synthetic oils generally have a mix of mineral and synthetic oils. Switching between the two types will not cause any harm. Besides this, our oil advisor generally gives multiple recommendations for any specific machine where different types of blends are advised.


Myth 3: Oil gets dirty but does not wear out

Oil gets dirty due to metal particles, leaks, dust, heat exposure, dirt, and debris. Engine oil wears out faster due to oxidation and high temperatures. Besides this, an increase in contaminants in the oil reduces the efficiency which can further cause the additive levels to deplete. This is why it is always advised to change the oil regularly based on the OEM manual.


Myth 4: Visual appearance of the oil can give an indication of whether it is bad or not

In general oil is (different shades of) amber in colour which you can find in the product data sheets. Engine oil turns black due to contaminants caused by external factors like moisture, dust particles, soot, and more. The perception of dark oil is that it is bad. But this is not necessarily true as it means the oil is working the way it is supposed to function. Oil performance cannot be judged just by visual appearance and can only be checked by a test in a professional lab.


Myth 5: Beware of synthetic engine oils

Back in 1970s, when synthetic oils were introduced; this was true as they had leak issues due to the seal incompatibility. But as time passed, rapid technological innovations solved the issues. Nowadays these new formulas protect your seals and gaskets and makes them in some cases even better than conventional oil to protect your engine.