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Os vikings fortes na Rymax!

No sábado, 23 de junho, a Strong Viking Run - Water Edition teve lugar em Berendonck, em Nijmegen, nos Países Baixos. A Strong Viking Run é uma corrida de obstáculos em que as pessoas terão de completar um percurso com obstáculos como correr através de trincheiras de lama, deslizar por uma queda de 12 metros de altura num fiorde e passar por um banho de gelo.
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Looking at the obstacles of the Viking run beforehand , it sure promised to be a challenge for team Rymax! 13 kilometers of mud, sweat and tears. But we managed to survive, leaving no Viking behind. All in all it was a great experience and we had a lot of fun doing it. – Steyn

One day before the run I took Erik’s place because Erik was on Holiday. There was one ticket left. It would be a sin not to use it. So no preparation for me…. Therefore I only did 7 km with the Viking run. Not the first time so I knew what to expect…. A lot of water, mud, fun and lot of blue spots afterwards. A perfect place to see your colleagues in a different environment. Some are very driven to be the best, others are trying to have as much fun as possible. What’s left is (beside the bruises) is a lot of nice pictures in embarrassing poses and facial expressions you don’t want anybody to see . – Marije