Endurox XLF 10W-40
Full Synthetic Heavy-Duty Engine Oil

Endurox XLF 10W-40 is a synthetic heavy duty diesel engine oil developed to meet the requirements of modern European engines meeting the latest Euro 6 emission norms. This lubricant is formulated with premium quality base oil and advanced additives technology to offer superior engine and after treatment devices protection and significantly extended drain intervals, up to 120,000 km depending on which OEM. This oils meets the latest ACEA E6, E7 and E9 specifications and is suitable for severe duty applications and extended service life in most European Vehicles. It can be used where MB 228.51, Volvo VDS-4 or MAN M3477 is prescribed, but also many other OEM specifications.
This UHPD engine oil has exceptional anti-wear properties that provides enhanced protection against wear, corrosion and bore polish to ensure longer engine life. Mid SAPS technology allow a preservation and extended lifetime of Diesel Particle Filters (DPF) and Selective Catalyst Recirculation (SCR) devices. Excellent soot handling capability minimizes soot related wear and oil thickening and outstanding thermo-oxidative stability reduces sludge build-up & deposits and controls viscosity increase.
Endurox XLF is also available in SAE 5W-30.
Lower fuel consumption
Very high Viscosity Index and a high resistance against shearing
Great dispersant and detergent properties,which warrants a clean operation
Very good lubrication film at very high working temperatures
Very good Anti-Wear, Anti-Corrosion and Anti-Foam properties