OD Fm ZD Rh Mj Ut MW Jk OS00 Yjhh LW Iz Njkt Yj E0 ZD Yy Nz Vi ZWU0 mdc2019 1504 tb 4227

Jaké produkty se používají v modelu Can-Am Maverick X3 pro jízdu v poušti?

Během soutěže Morocco Desert Challenge musel Can-Am Maverick X3 vydržet spoustu prachu, vysokých teplot, silných nárazů a nečistot. Všechny díly musely fungovat bezchybně a bez zaváhání, protože Herman a Marnix se během této výzvy museli na své vybavení stoprocentně spolehnout. Proto byly vybrány ty nejlepší "ingredience", které pomohly dotáhnout Maverick až na hranice jeho možností.
Sdílet prostřednictvím

During the Morocco Desert Challenge the Can-Am Maverick X3 had to endure a lot of dust, high temperatures, heavy impacts, and dirt. All parts had to perform perfectly without hesitation because Herman and Marnix had to depend on their equipment for 100% during this challenge. That’s why the best ‘ingredients’ were chosen to help push the Maverick to its limits.

The engine of the Maverick is running on an oil especially engineered to perform in a race: the Apollo R SAE 10W/60 Engine Oil. The gasoline in Morocco has a lower octane number so therefore the Octane Booster was used to provide the perfect mix for the engine.

For the transmission the Atexio CVT Full Synthetic Automatic Transmission Fluid CVT is used and the limited slip differential of the Maverick contains the Gevitro GL-5 FS LS Full Synthetic Limited Slip Gear Oil. For the brakes the Vector R Dot 4+ Racing Brake Fluid is used. Especially in the desert it is important to cool the engine in which the Dione G-12+ Ready to Use Long Life Engine Coolant plays an important role. 

Watch the aftermovie of the Morocco Desert Challenge 2019 to see how they performed:

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