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Tambor Rymax Edición Limitada 2018

En Rymax, nos gusta mantener las cosas frescas añadiendo un toque especial a todo lo que hacemos. Basándonos en los comentarios positivos que habíamos recibido sobre el último bidón de edición limitada, hemos decidido continuar con esta línea de bidones de aceite Rymax especiales.

Limited Edition Drum 2018

At Rymax, we like to keep things fresh by adding a special touch to everything that we do. Based on the positive feedback that we had received on the last limited edition drum, we have decided to continue this line of special Rymax oil drums. For us, the limited edition drum presents an opportunity to connect with our partners in a new and exciting way. It is also a way for us to show a different side of our brand.

Design processThe brainstorming process for the new Limited Edition Drum started early in 2017. As a team we had agreed on something different and unique to our brand. Several ideas came to mind, like having a full-colour image design, a 3D print design or a luxury design. After a couple of rough drafts, we eventually settled on having a design that reflects the quality of our brand. The end result is a uniquely packaged product with a luxury finish.

AvailabilityAs of today, these special drums are available but as the name suggests, they are limited.

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