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Cultura del automóvil: Malasia

En nuestra serie de blogs "Cultura del automóvil" exploramos diferentes puntos de vista sobre los coches. Veremos qué significan los coches para la gente, cuáles son los coches populares y los deportivos, y cómo tratan a sus coches en distintos países.

This time Kevin will tell about the car culture in Malaysia. He is from Rymax Malaysia and lives in Kuala Lumpur.

In Malaysia people are very proud of their cars. They modify their cars so that they look nice and sportive. They do this by for example changing their rims to a bigger size. People take good care of their cars, they often clean them and do regular maintenance checks, usually every 7,000 km. Car sports are quite popular, especially street racing and drifting but also track racing. People in Malaysia like futuristic and powerful cars and brands like Toyota, Honda and Perodua K-Cars are the most popular. Popular European cars are brands like Mercedes and BMW.

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