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Aktualizace balení produktů Rymax Lubricants - 20L

Nejnovější aktualizace se zaměřuje na označování našich 20litrových kbelíků a 60litrových a 205litrových sudů. Tyto výrobky budou nyní opatřeny novým výrazným štítkem Rymax, na kterém bude jasně uveden název výrobku, specifikace a naše charakteristické prvky značky.
Sdílet prostřednictvím

The most recent update focuses on the labeling of our 20-liter pails and 60- and 205-liter drums. These products will now feature a new prominent Rymax label, clearly displaying the product name, specifications, and our distinctive branding elements.

Key changes to the new label include:

  • The Rymax logo, now larger, is prominently placed vertically on the label
  • The label now includes a Dutch flag with the Rymax logo in the bottom right corner
  • The new label is slightly larger compared to the previous label

For your reference, we have provided an image below that compares the old and new labels. Please note that while our packaging undergoes these updates, the superior quality of the lubricant inside remains unchanged. You can continue to trust in the excellence of our products, as acknowledged and endorsed by numerous industry professionals.

If you have any questions regarding these updated product designs, we encourage you to reach out to your local distributor or contact Rymax Headquarters via email at [email protected]. We are here to provide any assistance you may need.

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